Composition: Divalproex Extended-Release Tablets IP (250 mg)

Dosage Form: Tablets

Packaging Type: ALU ALU

Packaging: 10*10

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Divalproex oral tablets are used to help prevent migraine in adults. For this use, the typical starting dosage of divalproex DR is 250 mg taken twice per day. The usual starting dosage of divalproex ER for this use is 500 mg taken once per day.

Common side effects

Dizziness, Sleepiness, Tremors, Paresthesia (tingling or pricking sensation), Anemia (low number of red blood cells), Decreased sodium level in blood, Liver injury, Gastrointestinal disturbance, Hypersensitivity, Deafness, Urinary incontinence, Increase in body weight, Pain during periods

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