Dry Powder Injections

Sr.No. Composition Detail
1 Aztreonam for Injection USP Detail
2 Cefepime & Tazobactam for Injection Detail
3 Cefepime & Tazobactam Injection (1125 mg) Detail
4 Cefepime and Sulbactam Injection (1.5 gm) Detail
5 Cefepime Injection IP (1000 mg) Detail
6 Cefoperazone & Sulbactam for Injection Detail
7 Cefoperazone & Sulbactam For Injection (1.5 gm) Detail
8 Cefoperazone & Sulbactam for Injection (1.5 gm) Detail
9 Cefoperazone & Tazobactam for Injection (1.125 gm) Detail
10 Cefoperazone Injection IP (1 gm) Detail
11 Cefpirome & Sulbactam for Injection(1.5 gm) Detail
12 Ceftazidime & Tazobactam for Injection (1.125 gm) Detail
13 Ceftazidime and Sulbactam Injection (1.5 gm) Detail
14 Ceftazidime and Tazobactam for Injection Detail
15 Ceftazidime for Injection IP(1.0 gm) Detail
16 Ceftizoxime for Injection USP (1 gm) Detail
17 Ceftriaxone & Sulbactam for Injection (1.5 gm) Detail
18 Ceftriaxone & Sulbactam for Injection(1.5gm) Detail
19 Ceftriaxone &Tazobactam for Injection (1125 mg) Detail
20 Ceftriaxone &Tazobactam for Injection (281.25 mg) Detail
21 Ceftriaxone &Tazobactam for Injection (562.5 mg) Detail
22 Ceftriaxone and Sulbactam for Injection (750 mg) Detail
23 Ceftriaxone Injection IP (1.0 gm) Detail
24 Ceftriaxone Injection IP (500 mg) Detail
25 Ceftriaxone Injection IP (2000 mg) Detail
26 Cefuroxime & Sulbactam for Injection (1.125 gm Detail
27 Cefuroxime and Sulbactam for Injection (2.25 gm) Detail
28 Cefuroxime Injection IP (750 mg) Detail
29 Cefuroxime Injection IP (1.5 gm) Detail
30 Cefuroxime Injection IP (250 mg) Detail
31 Cerebroprotein Hydrolysate for Injection 60 mg Detail
32 Cerebroprotein Hydrolysate for Injection 60 mg Detail
33 Imipenem &Cilastatin injection IP (1.0 gm) Detail
34 Meropenem & Sulbactam Injection (1.5 gm) Detail
35 Meropenem Injection I.P. Detail
36 Meropenem Injection IP (500 mg Detail
37 Meropenem Injection IP(1000 mg) Detail
38 Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate For Injection USP Detail
39 Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate for Injection USP (125 mg) Detail
40 Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate for Injection USP 1 gm Detail
41 Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate for Injection USP 40 mg Detail
42 Piperacillin & Tazobactam Injection IP (4.5 gm) Detail
43 Piperacillin and Tazobactam Injection IP (1.125 gm) Detail
44 Piperacillin and Tazobactam Injection IP (2.25 gm) Detail
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